Jan. 27 - 29, 2026 | Atlanta, Georgia USA
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW

Why Attend IPPE?

Why Attend IPPE?

IPPE's extensive range of solutions draws industry leaders worldwide committed to business development, implementing best practices, updating operations and remaining competitive. Attending IPPE will allow you to build relationships, find new suppliers and vendors, and connect with your colleagues in one place at one time.

IPPE will welcome a global audience of meat, poultry and egg and animal food professionals together in Atlanta, Ga. USA, while once again showcasing the newest solutions, technologies, research, processes, services and products that the global animal food and protein industries has to offer.

About IPPE

IPPE is the world's largest annual display of technology, equipment, supplies, and services used in the production and processing of eggs, meat, and poultry and those involved in feed manufacturing.

The 2026 IPPE had 1,386 exhibitors occupying 598,473 square feet of exhibit space. There were right at 31,000 registered attendees from the poultry and egg, meat and animal food industries. Domestic attendance made up 71% of the total number. Representing 130+ countries, 29% of visitors were international.

The poultry and egg, meat and animal food professionals that attend IPPE are made up of C-level management, sales & marketing, plant / live operations, engineering, and research & development.

IPPE is the world's largest annual poultry and egg, meat and animal food industry event of its kind and is one of the top 25 largest trade shows in the United States.

Equipment on Display

Green Hall A

Animal Food Ingredients & Equipment / Animal Health / Rendering

Red Hall B & Blue Halls BC / C

Animal Health / Egg Production & Processing / Genetics / Incubation / Live Production (Growout) / Food Safety / Worker Safety / Meat & Poultry Processing & Packaging / Rendering

Examples of Company Participation

Show Hours

Tues. - 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

Wed. - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET

Thurs. - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET

Show Activities

  • College Student Career Program
  • Young Leaders Under 30 Program
  • Welcome Reception
  • Free and Paid Educational Programs
  • TECHTalks
  • New Product Showcase
  • and much more...

Who Can Attend?

IPPE is a private business event that incorporates global meat, poultry and egg production and processing and animal food manufacturing. IPPE management reserves the right to deny registration to non-affiliated groups or individuals at its discretion.

Check out our FAQ section for more answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding the IPPE.